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5 Flower Girl Flubs and How to Avoid Them

Lynelle Woolley

No wedding is perfect, but the goal is to avoid as many fails as possible on your wedding day. Let us help you sidestep some common flower girl mishaps by being prepared.

#1: Your flower girl is too big for her dress.

Flower girls tend to grow like weeds. Aim to purchase a dress no more than two months in advance. Be sure to confer with her parents on sizing.

#2: Your flower girl is cranky.

Hanging out with a bunch of adults, waiting for the wedding to begin, is no fun for a kid. Keep her happy with healthy, stain-free snacks, and fun activities like the Flower Girl World books and the Flower Girl World Fun Kit.

#3: Your flower girl is frozen.

Anxiety has taken over and she's too afraid to move. Use these tips to help her feel prepared for the Big Day. Reassure her with a smile that being a flower girl shouldn't scary, but instead, a lot of fun.

#4: Your flower girl is a dumper.

She takes two steps down the aisle and dumps out the entirety of her basket. Now what will she do the rest of the way? (1) You can have another petal-filled basket waiting in case of this mishap. (2) Don't worry about it. She's adorable no matter her methods.

#5: Your flower girl is no supermodel. She won't stand still or smile for pictures. Be sure that her parents are close by to help reign her in. Sometimes an authority figure, like the photographer, will have a lot of influence. And if all else fails, you can always resort to a candy bribe (hard candy won't stain!).

Check out all of our advice and blog articles for more flower girl tips and tricks.

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